The entrance takes place over one day with written exams:

  • QCM general knowledge
  • 2 Specialized exams

An individual interview lasting 20 minutes will be conducted by a person in charge and/or a contributor from the sector concerned. During this interview, the student will have to present his objectives, his motivation, his knowledge of the sector, his interests, his favourite works, his hobbies, … This privileged moment will also allow the examiner to appreciate the technical and artistic qualities of the student by going through his or her portfolio. Finally, we will take advantage of this exchange to evaluate the level of oral English


The general culture MCQ will focus on civilizations, history, geography, society, … but also on points related to the desired orientation. In the case of the Design program, the questions may relate to the industry, jobs, industrial production and the story of Design from the first industrial revolution to the present day, events related to specialization, … These same themes may be addressed during the individual interview.

A specialized exam will focus on observational drawing (still life).

A specialized exam will focus on a social, societal and/or environmental reflection/problem, you will be evaluated on your analysis and formal response (drawings of your solution under different views in its environment – It is important to also describe how it works through diagrams and/or a scenario).


There is no particular formalism expected for the Portfolio but a great expectation on the variety, quantity and quality of the works presented (Drawing in general: observation, perspective, but especially on your creativity and understanding of design), possibly sketchbook(s) and other paper or digital creations, in 2D, 3D or other techniques.

In the case of a very rich content, it is advisable to make a pre-selection in order to be sure to show the work most representative of the level already acquired. The remaining work will be made available to the examiner for consultation during the exchange


A selection of some books on artistic creation and the creation of games :


  • Alexandra Midal – Design, Introduction à l’histoire d’une discipline
  • Raymond Loewy – La laideur se vend mal
  • Raymond Guidot – Histoire du design de 1940 à nos jours
  • Peter Fiell – Design du XXème siècle
  • Scott Robertson – How to draw sketches and environments
  • Scott RobertsonThomas Bertling – How to render
  • HPoint – Design Studio Press
  • Editions Taschen – DesignStudioPress



Draw every day: you can easily produce one drawing a day … From creation or observation, it doesn’t matter but draw!

Cultivate yourself: A good designer is already a curious designer! This will feed your imagination and creativity!

Find out more about the trades and techniques related to the sector you wish to take!